
  • Nate

    A Blog About 2025 Writing Goals and Schedule

    So I was asked what my plans were over the next year or so.  Now normally such a question would get a series of smart ass responses and never would get an answer of any substance cause I’m a clown like that, but in this case it got me thinking,”what am I doing over the next year or so?”  Well after getting over the existential nightmare of the question I quickly opened up my writing desktop on my computer and looked at the literal hundreds of ideas I have on it and decided that “well shit, lets figure this out.”  So I’m using my weekly blog post to let you…

  • Nate

    A Blog in Which I Compare Carpenter’s Halloween with Mac&Cheese

    I’ve been a fan of horror media my entire life. One of my earliest clear memories is going to see Child’s Play in the theater with two of my friends when I was 8 years old. It was a common occurrence at my place growing up to have sleep overs where we would get a few kids and stay up marathoning Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street before I turned 12. I can say with little doubt more kids saw their first horror flick at my house when we were kids than the average theater can claim(massive exaggeration but sounds cool right?) I began reading Stephen King by…