
A Blog in which I give The Outsider Manifesto

Part 1

Rules to the Game

1.  Readers are our family.  We aren’t creating readers we are creating a community.  We will treat them right; without them we are just shouting at the moon by ourselves.

2.  We respect out family above all else.  Again, we need them more than they need us, there will be other books for them, we might not get more readers without them


3.  Creators are to have freedom to tell whatever story they want, no subject shall be off limits, only good taste and common sense shall limit what we publish.

4.  We DO NOT TOLERATE anything hateful.  We will NOT publish anything that promotes hateful ideology.  Racism/Sexism/Bigotry of any kind will NEVER carry our companies logo (with the understanding that yes there will be characters that have those traits in our stories they will never be promoted as an ideology that should be emulated)

5.  We are not trying to sell books, we are trying to get readers.  If we create readers we will sell books, repeatedly, if we sell books without creating readers we lose money long term

6.  We as creators owe our readers one thing above all, authenticity

7.  We as creators owe our creations one thing above all, honesty.

8.  Not every story we publish will be for you, we understand this and hope you will try another one or recommend that story to someone who will enjoy it.  Every story has an intended audience and while we try to make each as enjoyable as possible for everyone there will be times that a story isn’t for you, please do not think it’s a bug, it’s a feature.

9.  Outsider Publishing Company decides what to print based on originality, importance and relevance to the intended publication only.  Our editorial board have final say over what gets published and they alone have the final say over what is included in anthologies or which books will be published. Outside forces will not determine what is included or what is published.

10.  A creator’s work is a unique vision belonging to them.  Outsider Publishing Company will not change that vision without permission from the creator.  If we cannot come to an understanding on any adjustments that are needed than we will return the story to you before contracts are signed, no hard feelings.  We want to print the best version we can for you and the readers, if we cannot do so while satisfying the creators vision its best to allow them and us to find other partners to dance with.

We are the Rebels of the Written Word

This is not a catchphrase, it’s a mission statement.  We are forever going to give a voice to those who you didn’t hear, a platform for those you wouldn’t see.  We are Outsider, and we have arrived, make room at the top, we aiming for the glass ceiling.

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