Chapter 2- The Last January
Nancy Craven loved the way the cold warm water felt on her cold naked body. Not in a perverse way, though it hitting certain areas didn’t feel bad if you know what I mean, just in a god damn this is what being alive is about kinda way. After not getting her beauty sleep that much lately, the shower has become her sanctuary. It is the one place she can be alone and unbothered by all the bullshit she calls her life.
THUD THUD THUD. Pounding on the fucking door at exactly the right time to make her a fucking liar. Well played God well played. THUD THUD THUD
“I heard you the first time you know.” Nancy bellowed over the sound of the shower.
“Well then why didn’t you answer?” Tina’s voice responded to Nancy’s bellow in kind
“Because I’m in the fucking shower T, what the fuck you want me to do, jump out and open the door covered in soap and conditioner?”
“No I want you to hurry your hot water hogging hour long shower taking making me and TJ wait before we can get breakfast ass up. If that is not to much to ask I mean”
“Sorry, was busy ignoring you, care to repeat it for me one time?”
“You are a twat you know that Nancy?”
“You are what you eat right?” Nancy’s response got a grin from her sister. Tina did not care that Nancy was into girls as much as guys. It simply did not matter to her as her sister was her sister, halfsies or not.
“Where that dipshit TJ off too?” Nancy was not even dried off yet and she was already asking about TJ, everything was as it should be this morning. Tina had almost forgotten about the night’s misadventures with Nemo in Dreamland last night. Almost. That nightmare will hang with her for sometime. Tina descended the stairs into the kitchen were TJ sat at the table drinking OJ.
“You guys are all out of purple stuff so I grabbed some OJ. Guys are also somehow out of Egg McMuffins or Big Breakfasts. Didn’t see a single apple pie in there either.”
“I told her to hurry up, she was still in shower…”
“Does she need a hand?”
“…She has two. But anyway, she was getting out and I’m assuming getting dressed.”
“That is too bad, still got a morning chub, she could of helped me out with that.”
“You are such a pig TJ.”
“Just saying, such a waste to not use it”
“A Tiny waste TJ, it is a tiny waste.”
“Must Nancy tell you everything?”
“No your dog did, also wanted me to tell you he prefers creamy peanut butter. He can’t stand the way those nuts taste”
“I’ve never heard complaints before.”
“Well they say sucking dick makes you deaf.”
“Sorry what was that? Not that I couldn’t hear you, was just busy thinking about dick.”
“York or Sargent?” Nancy reaches for the low hanging fruit, mainly cause its the easiest to get.
“There is my slow moving food denying but worth the wait Earth Angel.” TJ jumped up out of his chair and gave Nancy a smooch on the cheek
“TJ you would eat twenty four hours a day if they would let you. All that damn weed you smoke giving you the munchies.”
“Hey I only do three things. One, I smoke, lots. Two, I eat, lots, Three, I know things, a whole lot of things. And as my dog will testify, taste withstanding I’m good at what I do.”
“Well I’m tired of waiting while you two dick around, you ready to go grab food and hit the mall?” Nancy asks the question to two faces that wanted to smack the smart right out of her ass.
The trio piled into TJ’s broken down old Plymouth. TJ and Tina up front as usual, Nancy in the back. This had been the setup since TJ started driving freshmen year. Nancy hated the weed passing so she sat in the back so that she could avoid that nonsense. She didn’t care if anyone else DARED or not, she just didn’t care for it herself. From her perspective the only drawback to the setup, and yes it is a major one, she can not stand Tina’s music and the TJ uses flight of the navigator rules, the navigator controls the music, and despite the fact that Tina does zero navigating, she sits shotgun so gets control.
“If you make me listen to Dreamlover for the ten millionth time this morning, Im going to slit your throat in your sleep Tina.”
“After last night I do not think I am listening to dream anything anytime soon.”
“Hey Nancy..” TJ interrupted with a small intrusion “…if I was turned to stone you wouldn’t crush me with Thor’s Hammer would you?” The absurdity of the question was instantly offset by the sincerity with which it was asked. In fact the force of the sincerity was so strong it caused the entire conversation to grind to a halt.
“That was not meant as a rhetorical question Nancy” TJ demanded an answer as politely as he can muster.
“I get that TJ, I just do not know what the question is in reference to or why you asked it with absolutely no setup or anything, I mean you went in dry, no lube at all.”
“That isn’t an answer though Nancy”
“TJ, like seriously, you been my best friend since we both fell for Jordan Knight and still are now that we both want to do kinky things to Danica McKellar. Why, in any situation would I smash you with Thor’s Hammer”
“You know, since we are asking each other really odd and dumb questions that are apropos to nothing, Nancy why would you drag me into the River Styx?”
“How fucking much have you two smoked this morning?”
“Not enough, Told you I smoke, a lot.”
“This is your brain on drugs, any questions?”
“So you will tell TJ that you won’t smash him with Mjölnir..”
“That’s Thor’s hammer by the way..”
“…but you will not tell me why you would pull me into the River Styx? Real damn fair there Nancy.”
“Well why the fuck would you push me off of Olympus? You are not innocent either Tina.”
“I did not push you off of Olympus, you can’t think I would do that.”
“You think I would pull you into the River Styx so I do not even want to hear that shit.”
“Thank you for choosing McDonald’s. What can I get for you today?”
“Can you take my Egg McMuffin and add a hashbrown to it before you close it up? I will throw an extra buck for the effort? Cool, let me get two of those, a Big Breakfast, two Ojs and a large coke. Girls you want anything?”
“Fucking Christ TJ. I want an apple pie and a sausage biscuit, Nancy? Im buying?”
“Let me get a coke and a Egg McMuffin then.
“Yo you get that? Yes three Egg McMuffins, two add hashbrown. Ok.”
“Why did you ask me that? About Olympus?’
“Why the hell did you ask me about the River Styx?”
“My dream last night” All three answered the question at the same time. The heaviness of the moment hung in the air with them unmentioned until it was broken…
“Please pull forward and we will bring the rest of your order out to you as soon as it is ready.”