
A Blog In which I Write I Write A Bunch of Times

I write stuff that pisses people off.

 It’s not something I’m ashamed of, it’s not something I’m proud of either, its just part of the job description.  A writer writes in order to get a reaction.  Sometimes we are trying to get you to laugh, sometimes we are trying to get you to cry, sometimes we want you to think and sometimes, not often but sometimes our intent is actually to piss you off.  The more visceral your reaction, whatever it is the better I’ve done my job. 

I write things that make people Laugh

 Comedy is something I’ve always been rather adept at.  Not that I’m capable of a stand up act or anything but more that I’m just rather quick witted compared to the average person.  If we had a yo Momma contest Id win 8 out of 10 is all I’m saying. But writing comedy is about way more than coming up with good burns.  Writing comedy is way more about painting a picture of absurdity in the eye of the reader.  Its a simply concept but as every person has different experiences the things they find absurd are different, thus creating levels of complexity to the process.

I write things that make people Cry.

Drama is something that comes pretty natural to any human being.  You ask a stranger how to make you laugh, they might struggle, ask them to teach you or inform you they might not even know where to start, ask them to make you cry and I’m guessing given a minute they will come up with a way that works.  Crying is one of the first things we learn to do as humans, its something we use to express so much, joy, sorrow, pain, anger, it can be used for basically any extreme of emotion, but we associate it with sadness for a reason. It is the most common reaction to express it and the emotion we associate with tears the most.

I write things that make people Think

 Lots of writers use subtext (and they are all cowards!) myself included.  That horror story about the alien virus might be about an invasive school of thought, that serial killer might be me dealing with with crime or economy, the sci fi drug that wipes your personality just a metaphor for social media.  Yes I like most writers am guilty of infusing my writing with hidden meanings and bread crumbs that will hopefully leave you thinking long after you have stopped laughing or crying or getting scared.

I write things that piss people off

 Sometime you wont like the words I write, or you will be bothered by something I write, again often that is my point.  I want you to see how others see those actions and either be angry that people act that way or ashamed of yourself if you do.  I hold a mirror up, you don’t like the reflection so you yell at me, I get it, its the price I pay for holding the mirror.

Not everything I write is meant for everyone.  Sometimes I’m writing to a certain audience, sometimes I’m writing at a certain audience.  If you don’t like something I write, I simply ask you try another selection, if its still not for you its cool, I get it…I write things that piss people off.

I’m Nate, your you, let me let you go now.

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