
A Holiday Horror Advent Calendar or A Blog Where I suggest a Bunch of Films

1-Gremlins- A good warm up for the coming horror, a great classic family holiday story with just a taste of horror for your holiday enjoyment.
Nate’s Rank: 4 Nogs out of 5

2-Anna and the Apocalypse- A fun musical X-Mas zombie apocalypse story, that old chestnut, a moving tribute to the creation of a fallen creator.  Feel the music in your viens tonight.

Nate’s Rank: 3 Nogs out of 5 but they are spiked

3-Better Watch Out- Our first psychological horror on the list, this one will make you think of home alone in a way different manner.  Now this one is a huge step up on the gore and violence level but its not disturbing (well the paint can and smoking scene are kinda screwed up….) Have yourself a good night out and let the babysitter watch this one with the kids.

Nate’s Rank: 5 what are those things called? Nogs out of 5

4-Rare Exports-  Santa as a corporate slave is just about as disturbing an image as could be conjured and that does not even scratch the surface of what this mind blowing film shows us.

Nate’s Rank: 3 Nogs out of 5 

5-Silent Night Deadly Night- Oh my this one is a classic.  Its as cheesy as 80s slashers would get and honestly is more entertaining than good but its worth the investment to sit through it for something coming up later.  Get yourself some friends and a few adult drinks and give it a watch.

Nate’s Rank: 1 store bought Nog in June out of 5

6-Night of the Comet- Ok some people do not consider this holiday horror and I feel you, but it is.  This is a good lower budget 80s flick that mixes and matches components from much better more popular films but does so with a likable cast a fun script and serviceable direction.

Nate’s Rank: 3 Radical Nogs out 5

7-Nightmare Before Christmas- Is it horror?  On my list Im going to say its close enough, as I think all of Burton’s work has a hint of horror and his involvement coupled with overall story means I count it and again my list, so…But that aside its a great fun flick with horror elements.

Nate’s Rank: 4 Beetlejuices out of 5

8-Tales From the Crypt- Ok only the first segment from the film is holiday related, but its great, go head and watchthe rest for the horror though.  Joan Collins and company put on a great if short performance.

Nate’s Rank: 4 shots of Nog out of 5

9-Black Christmas 2006- First yes this film slightly shit on the legacy of the original and says nothing new or interestying with Holiday horror…but let me tell you a secret..I still like it.  Its early 00s PG-13 glossy horror.  That is to say its not high art but its entertaining mind rotting fun.

Nate’s Rank: 3 TikTok Nogs out of 5

10-Krampus- Ok be careful as lots of movies are Krampus:XYZ or some other version of the name.  For this you want the Dougherty directed one featuring living tool Adam Scott.  If you can get past watching that doofus for more than five minutes you will find a rewarding holiday horror experience with a great ending.

Nate’s Rank: 4 Nogs out of 5 with a bitter after taste.

11-To All a Goodnight- 80s cheese?  Check.  Psychopathic killer dressed as Santa Claus?  Check.  Jennifer Runyon looking amazing?  Check.  Fun mid range horror flick that is often over looked for more famous contemporaries, it should not be skipped.

Nate’s Rank: 3 out of 5 underrated Nogs

12-Elves- that cover and title got this thing rented so many November and December nights in the early 90s.  You expect a pretty straight forward Troll style story featuring an evil elf or maybe some gremlin like action…What you actually get is a story about Neo Nazi elves starring Grizzly Adams….If that description doesn’t sell it to you, I don’t even know what we are doing here.

Nate’s Rank: 2 oddly tasting Nogs out of 5

13-Silent Night (2012)- This is in name a remake of the 1984 film that appeared earlier on the list.  I say in name as it has way more in common with the attack by Bruce Pardo now called the Covina Massacre.  Its in knowing that story that the true horror of the story comes though.

Nate’s Rank: 1 truly disturbing Nog out of 5

14-Black Christmas- You can easily argue this is the one that started it all, for holiday horror and “modern” slashers, so put some respect on it name.  A very moody creepy film that has enough scares to keep you on your seat’s edge but enough edge to keep you in your seat until that haunting ending.

Nate’s Rank: 5 Classic Nogs out of 5

15-Christmas Evil- An amazing poster isn’t all this pic brings to the table, ok it is the most impressive thing about it but it also sports a story that will forever ruin “I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” for you.  Was more controversial than actual warranted, decent early 80s holiday horror for your mid Dec night.

Nate’s Rank:2 strange Nogs out of 5

16-Silent Night Deadly Night 2- Ok this is only on this list this high for one reason, and if you have spent any time online in the last decade or so you have likely seen it. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7gIpuIVE3k)
Get good and toasted with some friends and laugh at this awful awful film.

Nate’s Rank: Garbage Day out of 5 Nogs

17-Silent Night- This one os completely unrelated to the Garbage Day series of movies.  This is a far far darker much harder to watch movie about the end of humanity basically.  Its not an exact description but its what happens when you know there is no tomorrow so all those things that we wont say or do because we have to face everyone the next day, well what happens when there is no tomorrow to worry about?

Nate’s Rank: 4 passive aggressive Nogs out of 5

18-Trapped Alive- Two attractive women are captured by cannibals in an underground dwelling….Ok so this is another 80s cheesecake cheesy fun flick.  I saw this as a teen on some pay cable channel and I’ve counted it as a guilty pleasure ever since.

Nate’s Rank: Cheese out of Nog

19-Jack Frost- Lol my goodness this was a fun goofy romp.  Do not get me wrong there are some definite problematic scenes and things in it (Shower scene comes to mind, I mean not just as problematic I randomly think about it like once a week or so…I might need help) but there is an underlining fun to the whole thing that the low budget effects just feed perfectly.

Nate’s Rank: 2 out of 5 Frosty Nogs

20-Inside- Oh jesus what the fuck, just why?  French horror cinema is a different beast entirely than American.  I’m not saying its scarier or even more gory but there is something way more visceral to the violence in good French horror films that is rarely met in even the most violent American films.

Nate’s Rank: Fuck that no never again out of 5 Nogs

21-The Lodge- Talk about Psychological horror.  Damn.  Do not fuck with the mental state of those that are fragile.  This one legit effected and actual scared me.  Great one to watch during a snow storm.

22-Dead End- Slow burn timey whimey Lovecraftian horror set during X-mas.  Great performances pull you into this intense horror film that will leave you needing a rewatch to see how you missed the reveal coming.

Nate’s Rank: 3 out of 5 Nogs

Nate’s Rank: 3 out of 5 Nogs

Nate’s Rank: 3 out of 5 Nogs

23-I refuse to give anything away about this film, all I will say is it is a powerful statement about modern living and although not an American film, is maybe more relevant to America in 2024 than at any point prior.

Nate’s Rank: Please Await Further Nog Rankings….5 out of 5 Nogs

24-It’s X-Mas Eve.  Put the movies away and spend some time with your family.  If you can not be with them physically, place that phone call, know we at Outsider Publishing Co. wish you the happiest of horror filled holidays.  We love you and hope you enjoy your X-Mas.

Nate’s Rank: Finish the Nog Off.

Do not forget to order your copy of Christmas Chaos from Amazon today: https://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Chaos-Twisted-Holiday-Terror/dp/B0DNMJDWCK?crid=ODDFQQ3ZGTUQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.A8Uwz59xXWjWbZe8SxEZZqB_ofKHJlMfNPti2RXrZ99_1XBcxXQ3dIarA_LWo5hiDK7tjH-Vb5yTvS3c110yWoMaNRsE2nlH73j-6-As3LapfNlegwXh6RtPXNuhbiG36CPBdXEoWIBVWBLNWBryMv8s8YFG5UQlbTYTseWEOx0r3VzF_QgeYNNxCNx7ET86.7AH80Eh6GFBp8eChCU3f0buxgDObA4MEFEywQvHqRgA&dib_tag=se&keywords=Christmas+Chaos%3A+Twisted+tales&qid=1732326289&sprefix=christmas+chaos+twisted+tales%2Caps%2C217&sr=8-1